The following novels will be recommended for adoption by the Board of Education of Caroline County for the 2022-2023 school year:
Middle School Novels
1. Alexander, Kwame. The Crossover. Clarion Books, 2019.
2. Alexander, Kwame. Rebound (The Crossover Series). Clarion Books, 2021.
3. Draper, Sharon M. Out of My Mind. Atheneum Books, 2012.
4. Philbrick, Rodman. Freak the Mighty. Scholastic Paperbacks, 2001.
High School Graphic Novels
1. Hinds, Gareth. The Odyssey. Candlewick, 2010.
2. McDonald, John. The Tempest. Classical Comics, 2009.
3. Takei, George. They Called Us Enemy. Top Shelf Productions, 2019.
4. Hinds, Gareth. Beowulf. Candlewick, 2007.
5. Viney, Brigit. Frankenstein. Lucent Books, 2010.
High School Novel: Gardner, John. Grendel. Vintage, 1989.
The novels will be available for preview from Wednesday, February 8, 2023, through Wednesday, March 1, 2023, in the front lobby of the Caroline County Board of Education located at 204 Franklin Street, Denton, Maryland.
Interested citizens are encouraged to use the opportunity to examine the novels before they are recommended to the Board of Education for adoption. To provide feedback after reviewing a book, please use the textbook feedback form.