John Bobb has been named Supervisor of Transportation, effective July 1. The current supervisor, Carmen Milligan, will retire after 44 years with Caroline County Public Schools, the past six as department supervisor.
Dr. Bobb has 23 years of experience in managing high volume manufacturing facilities. He has a strong background in production management and labor management, with experience in the maintenance and repair of commercial equipment and facility maintenance. His previous positions include Production Manager and Plant Manager for Maryland Packaging Corporation in Baltimore and Plant Manager for Gallant Belt Company in Baltimore.
In 2019, Mr. Bobb joined the Caroline family as a driver trainer, often serving as a substitute driver when needed. In introducing him to the Board, Director of Operations Bill Mengel stated that in the interview, Mr. Bobb explained his plans to take the department to the next level of operational efficiency, utilizing technology as well as an old-fashioned hands-on approach, and implementing a departmental reorganization of staff and responsibilities. “John’s experience in manufacturing is highly transferable to this position,” Mr. Mengel said. “He has a thorough understanding of what the department is all about … and has a strong relationship with the drivers and assistants.”
At the meeting, Mr. Bobb was joined by Carmen Milligan and his daughter, Jeannine Necessary. Ms. Necessary is also a member of the Caroline family, serving as principal of Lockerman Middle School.